أرشــــــيـــف حوار الخيمة العربية

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-   -   ملف ابتدأت المعركة نداء رقم (1)\\نصوص للترجمة (http://hewar.khayma.com/showthread.php?t=4366)

عمر الشادي 15-11-2000 06:01 PM

ملف ابتدأت المعركة نداء رقم (1)\\نصوص للترجمة

اقتراح النص الاول وهو = الى عموم الاحرار من شعب اميريكا
نداء رقم -1- (محمد رامي الدرة)

إن قتل طفل واحد يعتبر جريمة
في فلسطين يقتل الشعب الفلسطيني بأكمله
ثم تقوم وسائل الاعلام المتحالفة مع الاسرائيليين
ببناء جدار يمنع وصول الخبر الصحيح اليكم في اميريكا
وهاكم الان احدى عبات العنب في عنقود الغضب الاسرائيلي

لقد خرج الطفل محمد رامي من بيته ملتحقا بوالده ولعل امه حاولت منعه من الخروج لكن إباءه وعنفوانه وكرامته منعته من الرضوخ لطلبها فأفلت من يدها وابتعد كعصفور اشتاق الى عشه

وهكذا خرج محمد رامي الدرة

خرج يريد ان يتنفس ملء رئتيه فلم يملأهما الا دخان الاسلحة والقذائف الاسرائيلية

خرج يريد أن يرى ماهية الحياة فلم يرى الا رصاص الموت الاسرائيلي وقد قطع اوصاله واستقر في جسده الطيب

خرج يريد ان يتجول في ارض وطنه بحرية فلم يستطع الوصول الا الى قبره الذي حفرته له براثن القمع الاسرائيلية

وكانت امه تنتظر عودته بفارغ الصبر فلم يرجع اليها الا محملا على نعشٍ تهادى فوق الاكتاف

وهكذا قضى الطفل محمد رامي الدرة بين يدي والده وامام مرآى العالم اجمع ليوجه نداءه الى كل العالم نداء الطفل الفلسطيني الذي استباحت الة الحرب الاسرائيلية سفك دمه وقتله هو ورفاقه نعم لقد قضى الطفل محمد رامي الدرة ليوجه رسالة كل اطفال فلسطين وليسمع النداء كل الناس في الشرق والغرب

نعم انه سلام الاسرائيليين وديموقراطية الجيش الاسرائيلي المحتل وحضارة القمع الاسرائيلي التي لم توفر يوما قتل اطفال فلسطين ولم تفرق بين دم طفل بريء اضعف من ان يحمل سلاحا او سكينا او حجرا وبين من يقاومهم بالسلاح

فالحذر الحذر من الاسرائيليين يا ابناء اميريكا الاحرار لا تصدقوا اليهود الصهاينةانهم يزيفون الحقائق فلا تقعوا في حبل اكاذيبهم وافتراءاتهم واعلموا انكم اذا استيقظتم يوما لتجدوا ان احدا قد غير مكانه او دمره او قطع رأسه فاعلموا انهم الاسرائيليين انفسهم الذين قتلوا الطفل رامي الدرة في ابشع جرائم الالفية الثالثة ولعلهم قاموا بجريمتهم ابتهالا بالالفية الثالثة فالام السكوت وحتام سنسمح للطفولة بأن تتعرض لما تعرض له محمد رامي درة

ايها الاحرار كنتم مع نداء الانسانية نداء الحقيقة فهل من يستجيب منكم النداء ؟ ؟


-------------------- (لجنة مشروع نداء)

عمر الشادي 15-11-2000 06:12 PM

الرجاء من الاخت noor اعادة نقل ترجمتها الى هنا ان امكنها تستطيع ذلك عن طريق النسخ واللصق فاما ان لم تكن تعرف فنحن ننقل ترجمتها الى هنا لكن اولا نحن ننتظرها

--------------------- الشادي

عمر الشادي 15-11-2000 08:24 PM

تأخرت الزميلة نور في وضع ترجمتها هنا لذلك استمحيها عذرا في نقلي انا له الى هنا واليكم نص الترجمة الذي وضعته الزميلة نوور وهو:

Here goes the translation of Omar's text
Please feel free to comment and criticize
To the public mass of America:
Call#1 (Mohammed Rami Al-durra)
We generally agree that the killing of one child is considered a crime. What about a whole nation in Palestine being slaughtered, and only met with the world’s ignorance??
Also, here comes the mass media allied with Israel to broadcast biased news.
YES!! Most of the news you hear, watch and even talk about is being fabricated. You are only allowed to perceive what they throw at you.

Take now one of the endless series of Israel’s deadly crimes:

Mohammed –only a child- decided to catch up with his father leaving home. Perhaps, his mother tried to stop him from leaving. However, this young child’s determination and dignity was strong enough to let him break loose of his mother’s grip, and leave.

He left wanting to breathe fresh air into his lungs but he only filled them with the Israeli’s artillery smoke. He left wanting, as a child, to experience life and what it is about but instead, he was met with Israel’s hatred bullets—shattering his innocence and resting in his delicate body.

He left his mother’s embrace to wander in his country freely and discover its beauty but.. he only went as far as his grave. The grave that was dug for him by the beastly hands of Israel.

Mohammed’s mother was waiting for him at the door impatiently, wondering what took him so long. Eventually, Mohammed came back home but carried on shoulders in a coffin…

Mohammed and his father were just walking back home, peacefully, not involved in any confrontations. Suddenly! A sniper sneaks behind the walls, aims at Mohammed and shoots not one bullet but five bullets in the heart and the head. Mohammed was murdered between his father’s arms. The father survived the eight bullets in his body but he got to watch his son fall dead in his lap…

The screams for help of that child, who was barely 12 years old, and his father’s screams and efforts to protect him were met with nothing more than the world’s ignorance!

Who has an explanation for this? Why has the world chosen to ignore this crime? Is it simply because he is an Arab and a Muslim? Would the world, would the human conscious, and would the human dignity have cared more if he were a Jewish boy instead?

Not only Mohammed was killed in this way but also hundreds of children were shot and slaughtered by the cold-blooded Israeli military.

However, those children have died addressing a message to the whole world and calling the east and the west to hear their cry!!

Yes it is the claimed peace of Israel and the democracy of Israeli troops, the occupying dragon force and the destructive civilization. The bloody state that did not spare one day not killing Palestinian children. This state that failed to make the distinction between a weak, innocent child and an armed man!

Is this a fair war? Is it justifiable for the claimed Israel state to build on the bloodshed of the children and the wiping out of a whole nation??

Are you still going to believe the Jewish Zionists faking the truth? How many more children will have to be killed like Mohammed Aldurra? Until when are you going to keep silent? Are you aware that your silence is in fact supporting the crimes- the Isreali cimes?

You were with the call of truth, the call for justice and the call of humanity. Is there in you who will answer the call??

--------------- كانت هذه الترجمة التي وضعتها الزميلة نوور للنص المقترح للنداء الاول من مشروع ابتدأت المعركة فاين انتم يا رفاااااااق المشرووووووووع

--------- الشادي

عمر الشادي 16-11-2000 04:50 PM

لا اريد تأخرا

ثم بالمناسبة اين الذين يتقنون اللغة الفرنسية؟

--------------------- الشادي

Noor 16-11-2000 05:25 PM

الاخوة الكرام
ارجو ان تقبلوا اعتذاري على التا خير, انه رغما عني و الله...
اخ عمر سا قوم بادخال بعض التعديلا ت على الترجمة و اضافتها هنا بعد اذنك... اتمنى لو اني اتقن اللغة الفرنسية أو اعرف أحدا يتقنها لما ترددت بترجمتها...
To the public mass of America:
(Call#1 (Mohammed Rami Al-durra
We generally agree that the killing of one child is considered a crime. What about a whole nation in Palestine being slaughtered?? and only met with the world’s ignorance!?
Also, here comes the mass media allied with Israel to broadcast biased news.
YES!! Most of the news you hear, watch and even talk about is being fabricated. You are only allowed to perceive what they throw at you.

Take now one of the endless series of Israel’s deadly crimes:

Mohammed –only a child- decided to catch up with his father leaving home. Perhaps, his mother tried to stop him from leaving. However, this young child’s determination and dignity was strong enough to let him break loose of his mother’s grip, and leave.

He left wanting to breathe fresh air into his lungs but he only filled them with the Israeli’s artillery smoke. He left wanting, as a child, to experience life and what it is about but instead, he was met with Israel's hatred bullets—shattering his innocence and resting in his delicate body.

He left his mother’s embrace to wander in his country freely and discover its beauty but.. he only went as far as his grave. The grave that was dug for him by the beastly hands of Israel.

Mohammed’s mother was waiting for him at the door impatiently, wondering what took him so long. Eventually, Mohammed came back home but carried on shoulders in a coffin…

Mohammed and his father were just walking back home, peacefully, not involved in any confrontations. Suddenly! A sniper sneaks behind the walls, aims at Mohammed and shoots! Mohammed was murdered between his father’s arms. The father survived eight bullets, he recieved in his body but he got to watch his son fall dead in his lap…

The screams for help of that child, who was barely 12 years old, and his father’s screams and efforts to protect him were met with nothing more than the world’s ignorance!

Who has an explanation for this? Why has the world chosen to ignore this crime? Is it simply because he is an Arab and a Muslim? Would the world, would the human conscious, and would the human dignity have cared more if he were a Jewish boy instead?

Not only Mohammed was killed in this way but also hundreds of children were shot and slaughtered by the cold-blooded Israeli military.

However, those children have died addressing a message to the whole world and calling the east and the west to hear their cry!!

Yes it is the claimed peace of Israel and the democracy of Israeli troops, the occupying dragon force and the destructive civilization. The bloody state that did not spare one day not killing Palestinian children. This state that failed to make the distinction between a weak, innocent child and an armed man!

Is this a fair war? Is it justifiable for the claimed state of Israel to build on the bloodshed of the children and the wiping out of a whole nation??

Are you still going to believe the Jewish Zionists faking the truth? How many more children will have to be killed like Mohammed Aldurra? Until when are you going to keep silent? Are you aware that your silence is in fact supporting the crime- the Isreali cime?

You were with the call of truth, the call of justice and the call of humanity. Is there in you who will answer the call??

عمر الشادي 16-11-2000 05:48 PM

العزيزة noor

نستطيع اذا ان نعتبر الترجمة الثانية هي المعتبرة اليس كذلك؟

ثم اين انت يا لينكس؟

واين انتم يا حملة اللغة الفرنسية؟

----------------- الشادي --------------

Noor 16-11-2000 06:02 PM

نعم اخ عمر... اذا رايتم فيها الافضل لمصلحة المشروع طبعا...

lynx 16-11-2000 11:26 PM

السيد عمر أفندي :
انت بتعرف المشكلة يلي صايرة معي هلأ فأرجوا ان تعذرني اليوم .
وبعدين يا عمري قصدي ياعمر افندي أنا ترجمتها للفرنسي وترجمتها للألماني بس عندي مشكلتين وحدة انت بتعرفها والتانية أنو حابب يجي النص الفرنسي والألماني مطابق تماما للنص الانكليزي .
نور خانم :
اسف بس عن جد معي مشكلة بعيوني وما عم بقدر بقرا من الشاشة بوضوح ان شاء الله بتنحل هل المشكلة بكرة وساعتها أكيد برد عليكون .


Noor 20-11-2000 02:27 PM

اسعد ني ان النص ترجم للفرنسي و الألماني و مشكور أخ lynx على جهدك... بارك الله فيك وشفاك و عافاك ....

Noor 20-11-2000 03:41 PM

This is important information I hope we can incorporate it into the project somehow..

Free Masons:
- Secret organizational group wanting to take over the world.

- previous U.S. presidents took part in this group especially George Washington.

On the american dollar bill there is a pyramid with an eye on the top of it. The eye is symbolizing that they want the whole world to see with one eye. The lines on the pyramid represents hierarchy and we can expand on this of course. The latin around it if translated it says something about secret/world organization

Of course they are not making this obvious to public because their plans would be hindered..

A little of history on the free masons:
- Crusades,Salahuddin kicked out of palestine, went to England.

-During the World War I, English needed money to fight the French so a Jewish Banker offered money in return for Jewish equality in Europe.

- Jewish became more dominant and eventually asked England for their own land so an English minister called Belfor signed an agreement and with a stroke of a pin he gave palestine to the Jews.

-During all this, Free Masons were secretly growing, concentrated in England and the States.

Crusades, Zionists, Free Masons fall under the same hat


Madelin Albright made a statement and within it she claimed that the stone throwers (children)are street kids, no wonder they react in such a violent way. To her and to everyone says so we say NO!! these children have homes(if not yet demolished by the israelis!), have families but also they have courage and dignity. They want to protect their property, their land, their entity and their families. They have a stand for their rights. Those are the children that Madelin Albright dared to humuliate.

الشيخ أبو الأطفال 20-11-2000 04:00 PM

السلام عليكم.
بالنسبة للترجمة للفرنسية هناك ملاحظة ...اعتقد ان النص سيوجه للفرنسيين فمن الضروري تغيير بعض مقاطع النص الأولي وايضا اعتقد ان المعروف عن الشعب الفرنسي حبه الكبير للمديح وثلاثية ثورته ...حرية - اخوة - مساواة ...ان لم اخطئ ..وارجو من الشادي اعادة صياغة الموضوع العربي قبل ترحمته آخذ بالاعتبار هذه النقط ان وافقتم ...

الشيخ أبو الأطفال 26-11-2000 11:20 AM

السلام عليكم.
ماذا وقع هل هذا ما اتفقنا عليه....؟؟؟ اين المشروع...؟؟؟؟ اننا لسنا بأفضل من حكامنا...مجرد كلام فقط.....؟؟؟

الشيخ أبو الأطفال 05-01-2001 06:22 PM

السلام عليكم.
أنها العودة ان شاء الله...فهلموا أيها الأحبة

الشيخ أبو الأطفال 05-01-2001 06:27 PM

السلام عليكم.
أنها العودة ان شاء الله...فهلموا أيها الأحبة

الشيخ أبو الأطفال 09-01-2001 02:30 PM

السلام عليكم .
حتى يراه الجميع ...ويساعدوننا ... اننا نحتاجكم

السوري 11-01-2001 07:53 AM

اخي الةريم عمل
اسف على التاخر و عدم الإلتحاق بكم في البداية ، و دلك لأني كنت مشغولا
اخوك هنا بالنسبة للترجمة بالفرنسية
سيترجم النص باذن الله
24/24 7/7
الله اكبر
اخوك السوري

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