عرض مشاركة مفردة
قديم 25-06-2002, 10:16 PM
shaltiail shaltiail غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Aug 2001
المشاركات: 342

>Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 12:22 PM
>Subject: Systematic rape of Palestinian women by israeli soldiers
>Please forward to all networks and contacts in media urgently
>Letter received from Bethlehem, this morning.
>I am Anthony Razook, I am writing to you tonight, the local time here is
>9:49pm in the night time, in Bethlehem, Palestine.
>I came with some friends to the camp of the Antiochian Orthodox in the
>United States, some few years back, and now I am writing to you in distress
>for some help for our peoples in Palestine.
>Last night, the Israeli tanks and military personal, broke into our homes,
>they entered my sister and her husband's home around 2:30 in the morning
>this morning. They proceeded to attack my sister, one of the military men
>made attacks on her that were not appropriate, he violated her in more than
>one way. My sister is 4 months pregneat,and for sure she has most likely
>lost the baby, when he was finished violating her, two other army men did
>the same thing. When she refused and tried to fight them off, they beat her,
>more in the stomach, her husband Marwahn was shot three times in the back of
>the neck, when he tried to stop them, this morning at around 5 in the
>morning he died from the wounds. When they stopped violating my sister they
>then threw her on the bed, all of these horrible things were witnessed by her
>seven year old son, my nephew Michel. At the end of them beating and
>violating my
>sister, they then stole her jewelry, her money, and some other things, at
>that point they went
>and totally destroyed different things in her apartment home. As of this
>morning, she feels
>that she had a miscarriage of the baby, also, these same solidiers came
>into our home, and we were blessed from God that my father had cash (almost
>two thousand shekals) and he gave it to the soliders, he also took gold
>from his own neck, from myself, and my younger sister and my mother. The
>soliders in Hebrew, (we understand Hebrew) told my father that his wife was
>too old and unattractive to have sexually things with, and that we should
>feel lucky about this- but that they had all shared the woman in the
>apartment before my sister) - then my mother asked to please allow the
>soliders to bring medicine for my sister, and to please help to remove my
>brother in law's body, from the apartment, they would not, my poor mother was
>to afraid to cry, as to what had happend because they would kill us too-
>please, you must help us.
>We are being persecuted and there is not an end in sight. Your country
>doesn't allow you to know the news of what is really happening to our
>people. In Nablus, there were calls made from cell phones that tell us that
>over 86 womans were raped and beaten and manys of the men,
>their husbands have been killed when they are trying to stop these
>soliders. Your government is standing and allowing this to happen.
>None of the arabic countries are helping us? What are we to do? Please help
>us, I must go- it was gracious from God to have enough battery in my lap
>computer to send you this e-mail. I am scared that I will not be able to read
>your responses, please help us, please, send this email to anyone who cares to
>help the Christians in Palestine,
>Please Help