06-09-2003, 12:01 PM
عضو مميّز
تاريخ التّسجيل: May 2003
الإقامة: افريقية - TUNISIA
المشاركات: 2,158
from friend to friend
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
If you do not want to taste the bitterness of regret, attend to appreciate (make best of) what lies in your hands, without delay
It is self-sacrifice that keeps a friendship going
Ignorant (jahil) is the one who lacks a good portion —share— (nasib) of understanding (idrak)
Wisdom (ilm) and generosity are marks of people who are capable of passing beyond "time" zaman
I seek refuge in my Lord (Rabb) from failing to understand what I could not