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قديم 01-08-2006, 08:09 AM
صلاح الدين القاسمي صلاح الدين القاسمي غير متصل
عضو مميّز
تاريخ التّسجيل: May 2003
الإقامة: افريقية - TUNISIA
المشاركات: 2,158
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Dr. Musil Shihadeh

Nisrallah shatters the Israeli Myth

The “invincible” Israeli army, that could never be defeated, has received its greatest set back since the creation of Israel in 1948. The terminology of a “picnic” used in any Israeli incursions in the past, no longer exists. Courage, determination and a strong belief in justice has prevailed over the power of one of the most sophisticated armies in the world. A political group, not even a government, or its army, and with very modest weapons and trained militia has shattered the Israeli myth of invincibility. Regardless of the future developments, the Arab man of the street from the Arab Gulf to the Atlantic Ocean has realized that dedicated and determined people, who believe in a just cause, can overcome any militarily superior oppressor. The insane indiscriminate Israeli bombing of the entire infrastructure of Lebanon is a sure proof that the Israeli army, which failed miserably to face Hizbullah on the ground, did everything else to cover its devastating fiasco; by killing hundreds of Lebanese noncombatant innocent civilians. It does not take courage to shoot indiscriminately innocent civilians while protected inside a tank or an F16, but it takes a lot of bravery to face these weapons
by daring men facing these killing machines

Can we imagine the scenario if one Arab government that has billions of dollars of sophisticated weaponry, stored in its arsenal, joined the fight? What was the purpose of purchasing these weapons in the first place, if not to be used against an enemy? Are these weapons to be used only to suppress its own people if they dare to raise their heads? Blinded, intoxicated and disillusioned with false self confidence in its own strength, Israel received its greatest shock ever. They have tried several times to march toward south Lebanon, only to retreat sheepishly, carrying their dead, after receiving very stiff resistance from few determined men who belief very strongly in their cause. Hizbullah actions are not exactly welcomed by most Arab regimes, because, in the long run, he represents the public sentiments that might threaten their existence. Many official Lebanese voices blamed Nisrallah for dragging Lebanon into this devastating war illegally and without the approval of the government. Such position lacks realistic credibility when we realize that exposing his plan of snatching Israel captives to any source will jeopardize and expose his plan to the enemy. As far as conforming to legality, be it local or international, it would be naïve to expect any party to use legal means with an enemy who has been famous for violating every international legality that existed in the books. Israel has violated all UN resolutions that pertain to Palestine or Lebanon . It has violated the well known the 49th. Geneva Convention, as well as the UN human rights 1969 covenant. Actually the flagrant violation of these principles is witnessed in this last incursion when the occupying power, who according to the Geneva Convention should protect the civilian under their incursion, was killing the very innocent people they should have protected. With Israel ’s declared intention of targeting Hizbullah notwithstanding, most victims are innocent civilians, who have nothing to do with Mr. Nisrallah and some even oppose this group for ideological differences, including a large sector of the Christian community in Lebanon . Yet these civilians were not spared by the Israeli killing machine, because Israel target has been to kill as many civilians as possible in order to create a “pressure” on Hizbullah. Such criminal plan has been shown to be so naïve, if not utterly stupid, since the public when confronted with cruel occupation supports resistance regardless of their religious affiliations, as the case has been in Lebanon . The victory belongs to the Arab masses and not to their leaders, who were forced later to revise their public declaration in order to survive the Nisrallah Tsumani!

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