عرض مشاركة مفردة
قديم 17-04-2007, 08:58 AM
من اقصى المدينة من اقصى المدينة غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Apr 2007
المشاركات: 69

Bluttaten an US-Schulen und Hochschulen
Immer wieder kommt es in den USA zu Bluttaten an Schulen und Hochschulen. Eines der bisher schlimmsten Massaker ereignete sich 1999 in der Columbine High School in Colorado, wo 15 Menschen ums Leben kamen.
16. April 2007:

Bei zwei Schießereien auf dem Gelände der Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg im US-Bundesstaat Virginia kommen mindestens 31 Menschen ums Leben.

25. September 2006:

Bei einer Geiselnahme in einer Schule in Bailey im US-Bundesstaat Colorado tötet der 54 Jahre alte Täter ein 16-jähriges Mädchen und nimmt sich anschließend das Leben.

25. August 2006:

Ein 26-Jähriger erschießt eine Lehrerin an einer Grundschule in Essex (Vermont) und verletzt eine weitere schwer. Auf dem Weg in die Schule hatte der Täter eine 57-Jährige getötet. Später verletzt der Mann einen 26-Jährigen, ehe er die Waffe gegen sich selbst richtet. Er überlebt.

21. März 2005:

Ein 16-Jähriger tötet in der Red Lake High School in einem Indianerreservat in Minnesota fünf Schüler, eine Lehrerin und einen Sicherheitsbeamten. Fünf Menschen werden verletzt. Zuvor hatte der Hitler-Bewunderer seinen Großvater und dessen Lebensgefährtin erschossen. Nach einem Schusswechsel mit der Polizei tötet sich der Junge selbst.

17. Januar 2002:

Ein erfolgloser, 43 Jahre alter Student tötet aus Wut über sein Scheitern an einer kleinen US-Universität in Grundy (Virginia) drei Menschen und verletzt drei weitere.

5. März 2001:

In einer High School in Santee bei San Diego (Kalifornien) erschießt ein 15-jähriger Amokläufer zwei Mitschüler und verletzt 13 weitere Menschen.

12. März 2000:

Ein 19-Jähriger erschießt nach einer Tanzveranstaltung an der Beach High School in Savannah (Georgia) einen Gleichaltrigen und feuert in die Menge. Ein 16-Jähriger stirbt später im Krankenhaus.

29. Februar 2000:

Ein erst sechs Jahre alter Junge erschießt in der Grundschule von Mount Morris (Michigan) eine gleichaltrige Mitschülerin.

20. April 1999:

Zwei Jugendliche töten in der Columbine High School in Littleton (Colorado) zwölf Schüler und einen Lehrer. Anschließend erschießen sie sich selbst. Die beiden 17 und 18 Jahre alten Jungen hatten maskiert und mit Gewehren sowie Sprengsätzen bewaffnet die Schule gestürmt.

15. August 1996:

Ein Student erschießt offenbar aus Wut über Kritik an seiner Diplomarbeit an der Staatsuniversität von San Diego (Kalifornien) drei Professoren.

هكذا اوردت مجلة فوكوس الالمانية نبذة تاريخية عن الاجرام الامريكي المحلي ( صناعة وطنية ديمقراطية امريكية خالصة ) مسلسلة بشكل تاريخي لاهم الجرائم وعدد ضحاياها مع اغفال شبه متعمد لاسبابها بطبيعة الحال .

Fatal Shootings at Colleges and Schools

August 1, 1966: Austin, Texas
Charles Whitman points a rifle from the observation deck of the University of Texas at Austin's Tower and begins shooting in a homicidal rampage that goes on for 96 minutes. Sixteen people are killed, 31 wounded.
May 4, 1970: Kent, Ohio
Four students are killed and nine wounded by National Guard troops called in to quell anti-war protests on the campus of Kent State University in Ohio.
November 1, 1991: Iowa City, Iowa
Gang Lu, 28, a graduate student in physics from China reportedly upset because he was passed over for an academic honor, opens fire in two buildings on the University of Iowa campus. Five University of Iowa employees are killed, including four members of the physics department, and two other people are wounded. The student fatally shoots himself.
February 29, 1996: St. Louis, Missouri
A 30-year-old man fires into a school bus where two are injured, including a pregnant teenager and the bus driver.
August 15, 1996: San Diego, California
Frederick Martin Davidson, 36, a graduate engineering student at San Diego State, is defending his thesis before a faculty committee when he pulls out a handgun and kills three professors. February 19, 1997: Bethel, Alaska
A 16 year-old shoots and kills his principal and a student. Two other students are injured.
October 1, 1997: Pearl, Mississippi
A 16-year-old kills his mother, then goes to school and shoots nine others. Two die.
December 1, 1997: West Paducah, Kentucky
A 14 year-old shoots eight students as they pray in school. Three die and one student is left paralyzed.
December 15, 1997: Stamps, Arkansas
An eighth grader is arrested and charged as an adult after he confesses to shooting and wounded two of his fellow students as he hid in the woods outside of a high school.
March 24, 1998: Jonesboro, Arkansas
Two boys, ages 11 and 13, shoot 14 students and one teacher. The teacher and four of the students die.
April 28, 1998: Pomona, California
A 14 year-old shoots three boys. Two are killed.
May 21, 1998: Springfield, Oregon
A 15 year-old shoots and kills both parents before going to school and opening fire in the cafeteria. Two students are killed.
April 20, 1999: Littleton, Colorado
Two boys, ages 16 and 17, shoot 35 students and 1 teacher before committing suicide. Twelve students and the teacher die.
May 13, 1999: Port Huron, Michigan
Two 14 year-olds plot to kill at least 154 people at school in an attempt to outdo the shooting at Columbine high school. They are stopped after fellow students report them.
Oct. 28, 1999: Cleveland, Ohio
A 14 year-old and three 15 year-olds plan on killing mostly black students, then dying in a shoot-out with police. A student's mother alerts officials.
January 29, 2000: Cupertino, California
A 19 year-old plans to attack his high school with guns and explosives. He takes photos of himself and his arsenal. When he has the photos developed, a drug store clerk sees them and calls police.
February 29, 2000: Mount Morris Township, Michigan
A 6 year-old boy brings a .32 semi-automatic handgun to school and kills a first grader.
February 5, 2001: Hoyt, Kansas
Three students, ages 16, 17, and 18, plan a school shooting. An anonymous caller to a tip line alerts police. When their homes are searched, police discover guns, bombs, and white supremacist drawings.
February 7, 2001: Fort Collins, Colorado
A 14 year-old and two 15 year-olds plot to "redo Columbine." Several classmates alert the police after overhearing them talking about it.
February 11, 2001: Palm Harbor, Florida
A 14 year-old builds a bomb having a kill radius of 15 feet. The parents of another student who had received an e-mail detailing the bomber's plans alert the sheriff's deputies.
February 14, 2001: Elmira, New York
A high schools student's plans for a school shooting are foiled after students bring the fact that he had weapons on him to a teacher's attention. He carried 14 pipe bombs, three smaller bombs, a propane tank, a sawed-off shotgun, and a .22 caliber pistol into the school by a duffel bag and also a book bag full of ammunition. On December 17, 2001, Jeremy he is sentenced to 8 1/2 years.
March 5, 2001: Santee, California
A 15 year-old opens fire from inside a school bathroom, shooting 15 and killing 2.
January 16, 2002: Grundy, Virginia
Graduate student Peter Odighizuwa, 42, recently dismissed from Virginia's Appalachian School of Law, returns to campus and kills the dean, a professor and a student before being tackled by students. The attack also wounds three female students.
October 28, 2002: Tucson, Arizona
Failing University of Arizona Nursing College student and Gulf War veteran Robert Flores, 40, walks into an instructor's office and fatally shoots her. A few minutes later, armed with five guns, he enters one of his nursing classrooms and kills two more of his instructors before fatally shooting himself.
March 21, 2005: Red Lake, Minnesota
Jeff Weise, 16, kills his grandfather and companion, and then arrives at school where he kills a teacher, a security guard, five students, and finally himself, leaving a total of 10 dead.
August 25, 2006: Essex, Vermont
A gunman looking for an old girlfriend bursts into a Vermont elementary school and kills a teacher.
September 2, 2006: Shepherdstown, West Virginia
Douglas W. Pennington, 49, kills himself and his two sons, Logan P. Pennington, 26, and Benjamin M. Pennington, 24, during a visit to the campus of Shepherd University.
September 13, 2006: Van Nuys, California
A student is shot and killed in a crosswalk in front of a school. The incident is suspected to be gang related.
September 25, 2006: Las Vegas, Nevada
A bus driver pulls over to drop off students. One student gets off the bus and then shoots at it. Three bullets hit the back of the bus, but none of the 34 students on board are injured.
September 27, 2006: Bailey, Colorado
An adult male sexual predator enters a school, sexual assaults six female students, kills a fleeing girl, and then kills himself.
October 2, 2006: Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania
An adult male sexual predator enters a one-room Amish School and kills six female students and himself.
April 16, 2007: Blacksburg, Virginia
A gunman kills 33 people in a dorm and a classroom at Virginia Tech. The gunman later dies.

