مجلة الخيمة حوار الخيمة دليل المواقع نخبة المواقع Muslim Tents
التسكين المجاني التسكين المدفوع سجلات الزوار بطاقات الخيمة للإعلان في الخيمة
الأسئلة الشائعة قائمة الأعضاء التقويم البحث مواضيع اليوم جعل جميع المنتديات مقروءة

العودة   أرشــــــيـــف حوار الخيمة العربية > القسم العام > الخيمة السياسية
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خيارات الموضوع بحث في هذا الموضوع طريقة العرض
قديم 13-01-2004, 12:57 PM
خبيب خبيب غير متصل
فلتسقط المؤامرة
تاريخ التّسجيل: Oct 2003
المشاركات: 269

هذا مقال في احدى الصحف الامريكية كتب امس تمعني فيه لتعلمي ان الصحافة تطالب الدولة الامريكية بالتوقف عن مداهنة السعودية وكل كلام عن محاربة السعودية ونظامها والتامر عليها انما كلام صحف اما موقف الدولة الامريكية فمختلف.

Worldnetdaily (US). saudi terror connection

It's time to take the kid gloves off in our dealings with Saudi Arabia.

It's time to recognize Saudi Arabia is one of the most evil, diabolical and repressive regimes on the face of the earth.

It's time to get tough with the duplicitous rulers of Saudi Arabia, who feign moderation but practice extremism and finance holy war against us.

It's time to recognize what Saudi Arabia represents. This is the country that produced the Sept. 11 hijackers. This is the country that spreads jihadist hate in madrassas around the world. This is the country that prohibits women from exercising the most basic of rights. This is the country that gave us Osama bin Laden.

This is the country that sponsored the Taliban of Afghanistan. This is the country that bans any form of Jewish or Christian worship - even in the privacy of homes. This is the country that bans any non-Muslims even from setting foot in their so-called "holy city" of Mecca. This is the country that is holding American citizens hostage - some of them kidnapped right out of their homes here in the United States.

The latest revelations about Saudi involvement in the Sept. 11 attacks and its continued sponsorship of al-Qaida terrorism since are startling - given the fact the U.S. claims to be fighting a worldwide war against terror.

WorldNetDaily and my own G2 Bulletin reported this week that Saudi Arabia, the source of most of al-Qaida's funding prior to Sept. 11, 2001, has frozen only a tiny percentage of the money flowing to Osama bin Laden's terror network since the biggest terror attack in history. Saudi Arabia has frozen only 41 bank accounts belonging to seven individuals for a total of $5,697,400, or 4 percent of the total amount of terrorist-related funds frozen around the world - this despite the fact that intelligence and law-enforcement authorities around the world agree that most of al-Qaida's money originates in the Saudi kingdom.

Saudi Arabia continues to talk out of both sides of their mouths about fighting terror - at once telling the world the kingdom is the No. 1 target of al-Qaida and also minimizing the threat posed by the terrorists.

Saudi Arabia has for more than 30 years told the world it is taking all the steps necessary to ensure "charity" money doesn't end up in the hands of terrorists. Yet the funding source continues unabated. Also, some of the top businessmen in the country are running enterprises that are funneling money to al-Qaida and other terrorist groups.

The report indicated operational cells of al-Qaida are involved in construction, in real estate and in public building sectors. Some 241 Saudi charity organizations are currently operating in Saudi Arabia and abroad. These organizations receive annually between $3 billion to $4 billion, of which between 10 percent and 20 percent is sent abroad. Saudi charities, international intelligence agencies say, are present at every stage of terrorism.

The Saudi Red Crescent, for instance - a parallel to the Red Cross in the U.S. - maintained passports for al-Qaida operatives to avoid searches and is referred to as an "umbrella" organization by al-Qaida operatives. A message on the letterhead of the Saudi Red Crescent bureau in Peshawar requests that "weapons" be inventoried. The letter contains a note from Osama bin Laden to its then-director stating "we have an extreme need for weapons."

In the past, Saudi charities even provided military bases for al-Qaida - even military training for al-Qaida terrorists.

From several intelligence sources and documents collected around the world, the investigation of the 9-11 families has been able to establish that several Saudi charities have funded at least 10 terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. The International Islamic Relief Organization funded at least six training camps referred to as terrorist training camps by the U.S. government, including the Darunta camp, a facility used for chemical and biological weapons testing.

When are we going to wake up in America? What will it take? What does Saudi Arabia have to do to us before we recognize it as the sworn enemy of everything we hold near and dear?

Saudi Arabia sends its slick and polished, American-educated public relations experts here to explain away all these contradictions. Too many people believe them. Too many just don't care. Too many look the other way because of the oil power the Saudis wield.

Am I calling for war on the Saudis? No. I'm simply saying it's time to get tough. It's time to demand justice. It's time to throw our considerable weight around with the sheikhs. It's time to stop playing Mr. Nice Guy. It's time to stop pretending the Saudis are anything but extremists who underwrite most of the terrorism in the world. It's time to recognize they are sticking their finger in America's eye, insulting us and holding our fellow citizens against their will.

America has the power to bring its people home. It can do it tomorrow. It only takes the will.

Let the White House and the State Department know where you stand.

وهذا جزء من مقال اخر وهو حوار اجراه دوغ هنوود في برنامج behind the news" وهو من اشهر البرامج الاذاعية في امريكا مع ابن اخ رئيس الاستخبارات السابق في الباكستان . يقول ان الوهابية انتشرت انما بدعم امريكي لمحاربة الشيوعية.

In response, the U.S. is turning to the very regimes that provoke discontent, like Saudi Arabia؟
This is what the U.S. doesn't understand. They claim the Saudi regime is moderate, yet this is a regime whose philosophy and religion - Wahhabism, a virulent sectarian strain within Islam - is what inspires bin Laden. He was a Wahhabi, brought up within Saudi Arabia. I see people who are now worked up about the Taliban, but I've been worked up about them for 10 years, but no one listened. Oh, they treat their women like shit - true, true, but some of the same things happen in Saudi Arabia. A woman cannot leave Saudi Arabia without having written permission from a male relative. She cannot walk around unveiled. She cannot drive a car. The head of the octopus is Saudi Arabia and the Wahhabi religion and from there its tentacles have spread. They've been funding the most extreme fundamentalist groups all over the Islamic world for fifty years, backed by the U.S. government.

During the Cold War, the U.S. was quite happy to promote religious alternatives to secular leftism. Are we dealing now with the consequences of that?

Yes. We're dealing with the results of that. They're still backing
the Saudi monarchy, because they don't trust anyone else to run the oil. All these groups were built up, funded, armed as a bulwark against Communism and secular opposition. Some of the best secular intellectuals in the Muslim countries have been killed by these people. In Afghanistan, you have a classic problem. Let's say you persuade Pakistan to topple the Taliban. What are you going to put in its place? All the secular groups have been wiped out, 80% of the educated women have been forced out, the last secular leader was hanged by the Taliban while the West watched passively, because he'd been a Communist. There's talk about bringing the King of Afghanistan back. This guy must be nearly 100 years old. [Memo from fact-checking: he's 87.] He's been sunning himself on the Italian Riviera for 50 years. He's quite a decent old buff, but he can't do anything. You need a coalition of secular forces to rebuild that country.

اما ترجمتك للجزئية "وبعد ذلك تتآمر أمريكا ضد أصدقاءها بعد أن ينتهي دورهم .. وتساعد الجماعات المعارضة وتهيئهم متى مادعت الحاجة لذلك .. فهذه أمريكا التي تنشر الديمقراطية وحقوق الإنسان والتسامح الديني تستخدم جميع الوسائل غير الإنسانية ضد دولة ترفض الهيمنة وبالمقابل تتبنى نوع خاص من الإسلام من تصميمها الخاص"

فلم ارى هنا ذكر للصوفية. لما لا يكون هذا سلفية معدلة ممعية فقد بداتم تغيير مناهجكم وهذه البداية فلما يكون هذا معنى الجزئية هذه؟ وقوله "التامر على اصدقائها" فهذا في اثبات ان السلفية من اصدقاء امريكا والان انقلبت عليهم، هذا اذا سلمنا باستشهادك بهذا النص والا فلا معنى لاستشهادك به. رايت هذا من قبل وقلت ربطك بين هذا وادعاؤك سخافة فلم اناقش النقطة لكنك مصرة على الانحدار. هذا ولم اناقش صاحب المقال ولا مركزه ولا قدرته ولا مرجعيته.

موضوع جانبي:

اما قولك انك حصلتي اطروحة الماجستير بتقدير ممتاز 97% فان كنت تستعملين هذا للصدع بالحق فهنيئا لك. لكن اعلمي انا لا نقيم من يحصل على الماجستير بالعلامات. في المدرسة او في مراحل ال بي اس في الغالب نعم اما الماجستير والدكتورا فلا. ولا نقيم الاطروحات حتى بعلامات. يبدو انك لا تعرفين فلسفة الماجستير والدكتورا وايش هي. ما هو الجديد الذي حققتيه؟ ما هو الذي تغير او تحسن في مفهوم الموضوع بعد رسالتك؟ كم رسالة علمية نشرتيها في المجلات؟ هذا بعض ما نقيم به الماجستير والدكتورا وليس العلامات. لن اتكلم عن نفسي الا اني لما ارى كلاما ككلامك اضحك لكن دعني اهمس في اذنك شيء اقل تلميذ من تلامذتي في الماجستير عنده ثلاث مقالات في المجلات العلمية الدورية.

ان شئتي ارسلي لي رسالتك ثم ارسل لك تعليقاتي عليها.
لا يضر البحر الخضم ولغة كلب فيه.

آخر تعديل بواسطة خبيب ، 13-01-2004 الساعة 01:27 PM.

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