مجلة الخيمة حوار الخيمة دليل المواقع نخبة المواقع Muslim Tents
التسكين المجاني التسكين المدفوع سجلات الزوار بطاقات الخيمة للإعلان في الخيمة
الأسئلة الشائعة قائمة الأعضاء التقويم البحث مواضيع اليوم جعل جميع المنتديات مقروءة

العودة   أرشــــــيـــف حوار الخيمة العربية > القسم العام > الخيمة السياسية
اسم المستخدم
كلمة المرور

خيارات الموضوع بحث في هذا الموضوع طريقة العرض
قديم 05-12-2006, 01:43 PM
Muath Muath غير متصل
عضو جديد
تاريخ التّسجيل: Nov 2006
المشاركات: 18
إفتراضي يصعب على أي شخص بأن يصف كل هذه الدول كصنائع أميركا!

يصعب على أي شخص بأن يصف كل هذه الدول كصنائع أميركا! هذه فقط مجرد نضريات المؤامرة. الولايات المتحدة تشجع الحرية، العدالة وكرامة الإنسان وأيضا تشجع الإصلاح. لقد كان صدام دكاتور وحشي وجرائمه مؤرخة تماما. لقد قام بقتل شعبه بدون أي رحمة وشن حرب ضد دول مجاورة. وقد جيء به إلى المحاكمة في بلده – وتم تحميله مسؤولية تلك الجرائم في محكمة القانون مع أناس عاديون شاهدون على ذلك.
وزارة الخارجية الأميركية - فريق التواصل الإلكتروني
U.S. Department of State - Digital Outreach Team
قديم 06-12-2006, 03:35 AM
marwa45 marwa45 غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Jun 2006
المشاركات: 160

المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة Muath
يصعب على أي شخص بأن يصف كل هذه الدول كصنائع أميركا! هذه فقط مجرد نضريات المؤامرة. الولايات المتحدة تشجع الحرية، العدالة وكرامة الإنسان وأيضا تشجع الإصلاح. لقد كان صدام دكاتور وحشي وجرائمه مؤرخة تماما. لقد قام بقتل شعبه بدون أي رحمة وشن حرب ضد دول مجاورة. وقد جيء به إلى المحاكمة في بلده – وتم تحميله مسؤولية تلك الجرائم في محكمة القانون مع أناس عاديون شاهدون على ذلك.

أهلا بالأمريكيون
اولا كم قتل صدام طيلة 30 سنة ربما 100 ألف ; أنتم قتلتم أكثر من 700 ألف مباشرة بعد دخولكم للعراق ودلك بشهادة بتقارير جمعيات امريكية وفي سنوات فقط
كما قتلتم 5 ملايين أثناء الحصار الدي منع عن العراق الطعام والدواء حتى أصبح الأطفال يموتون لعدم وجود مضاد حيوي بسيط
فإدا كان صدام يستحق الإعدام فماهو الجزاء العادل لكم ولحكومتكم
قديم 07-12-2006, 08:00 AM
Muath Muath غير متصل
عضو جديد
تاريخ التّسجيل: Nov 2006
المشاركات: 18
إفتراضي إنها حكومة صدام التي قررت من يحصل أو لا يحصل على الأغذية والأدوية.

عزيزتي مروة،
لا أحد يعلم بدقة كم ناس قام بقتلهم صدام. ولكن في حملة الأنفال السيئة الصيت ضد الأكراد فقط تم قتل فوق المائة ألف شخص (الأكراد يدعون أن الرقم يقارب المائتان ألف شخص). العديد من عشرات الآلف من المدنيين قتلوا في إنتفاضة عام 1991. وأرقام لا تحصى من المساجين السياسيين تم إعدامهم من قبل صدام أيضا، من ضمنهم العديد من أعضاء حزب البعث الذين تجرأوا على التسائل على أفعال صدام، فضلا عن الكثير من الأشخاص الذين قتلوا خلال الحربان الفاشلتان لصدام من أجل فتح إيران والكويت.

بالنسبة للرقم 700,000 الذي ذكرتيه أنت – هذا رقم زائف كليا والعديد من المراقبين الغير حكوميين قاموا من قبل بإثبات أن هذه الإحصائات غير علمية. إنه من غير المعقول بأن يُقتل آلاف الناس كل شهر في العراق من دون يعلم أحد بذلك وبهذا العدد الهائل. والأرقام التي ذكرتيها يزيد إنحرافها إذا أدركتي بأن سائر العراق هاديء نسبيا – بمعنى أن أكثر المشاكل تحدث في منطقة بغداد فقط. وأهم نقطة هي أن أغلبية الموت في العراق كان على أيدي ما يسمى "مقاومة" وايضا على يد القاعدة. إن أغلب عمليات المقاومة تتم عبر الناس الذين يرغبون في إعادة الدكتاتورية البعثية التي تهتم فقط بجزء واحد من الشعب، بينما تريد القاعدة أن تثير حرب أهلية بين السُنة والشيعة. إذا هذه المقاومة الباسلة أوقفت عمليات السيارات المفخخة في الأسواق والمساجد فلن يكون هنالك قتلى مدنيين – ولن يكون هنالك حاجة للقوات الأميركية.

وبانسبة للعقوبات التي قتلت ملايين الأطفال، فذلك يعتبر من أكبر الأساطير. الغذاء والأدوية لم تمنع على العراق. حكومة صدام كان عليها وببساطة أن تشتري الأغذية والأدوية عن طريق حسابات بنكية تابعة للأمم المتحدة. حكومة صدام كانت في الغالب ترفض شراء الأغذية والأدوية من أجل أن تستطيع إهدار الأموال لشراء أشياء مثل السيارات الفاخرة والقصور الخيالية لحزب البعث. إنها حكومة صدام التي قررت من يحصل أو لا يحصل على الأغذية والأدوية. أعتقد بأنه بإمكنكِ أن تخمني أي جزء من العراق حصل على الأقل.
وزارة الخارجية الأميركية - فريق التواصل الإلكتروني
U.S. Department of State - Digital Outreach Team
قديم 08-12-2006, 03:48 AM
marwa45 marwa45 غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Jun 2006
المشاركات: 160

[quote=Muath] والأرقام التي ذكرتيها يزيد إنحرافها إذا أدركتي بأن سائر العراق هاديء نسبيا – بمعنى أن أكثر المشاكل تحدث في منطقة بغداد فقط. QUOTE]

أضن معلوماتك غير صحيحة

حيث أن صدام كان يرفض المرور عبر الأمم المتحدة نضرا للفساد والنهب التي كان يمارسه موضفي الأمم المتحدة لأموال العراق عبر طلب عمولات و قضم من أموال نفط العراق

إنها حكومة صدام التي قررت من يحصل أو لا يحصل على الأغذية والأدوية. أعتقد بأنه بإمكنكِ أن تخمني أي جزء من العراق حصل على الأقل.

على ما أعلم صدام لم يكن يفضل منطقة من العراق على أخرى والدليل أن تكريت مدينته هي من أفقر مدن العراق فهو كان بعثيا وليس سنيا أو شيعيا فهو هنا كان عادل في قمع السنة والشيعة على حد سواء ,عكس النضام العميل لكم الآن والدي يميز بين المناطق; فالمدابح والحصار لأهل السنة وكما قلت أنت الهدوء للمناطق الأخرى.
مثل مدابح الفلوجة والأنبار وغرب العراق واليوم مدينة الصينية
قديم 08-12-2006, 11:28 AM
Muath Muath غير متصل
عضو جديد
تاريخ التّسجيل: Nov 2006
المشاركات: 18
إفتراضي لم ينال صدام مباركة أميركا في هجومه على إيران.

أنا أخاف من أن يكون بعض من التاريخ لديك خارج عن الإنتظام. لم ينال صدام مباركة أميركا في هجومه على إيران. لقد قام هو بذلك لإسباب تخصه. لقد كان يضن بأن إيران كانت ضعيفة بسبب تولي الخوميني لإيران وبسبب تصفية الجيش الإيراني، وايضا لأن صدام كان يريد يؤكد على سيطرة تامة لشط العرب. أود أن أذكرك أيضا أنه كان لدى الجيش العراقي دبابات وطائرات سوفيتية (روسية)، لا أميركية.

وبعيدا عن ذلك، إنها حكومة صدام التي طالبت بالعمولات مى الشركات التي كانت ترغب بالعمل في العراق. العراق هو الذي إختار تلك الشركات وليست الأمم المتحدة.
كيف يمكن القول بأن صدام لا يميز بين الشيعة والسُنة؟ ألا تتذكرين ما حدث في النجف وكربلاء في عام 1991؟ وايضا أود بأن أذكرك بأن الشعب العراقي هو الذي صوت من أجل الحكومة الحالية ولم تكن هي مختارة من ناس من الخارج.

السبيل الوحيد للعراق من أجل الحصول على سلام دائم هو بأن على كل الأطراف في البلد أن تعي على أن هنلك حاجة لوجود توازن سياسي وتسوية.
وزارة الخارجية الأميركية - فريق التواصل الإلكتروني
U.S. Department of State - Digital Outreach Team

آخر تعديل بواسطة Muath ، 08-12-2006 الساعة 11:42 AM.
قديم 08-12-2006, 12:28 AM
marwa45 marwa45 غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Jun 2006
المشاركات: 160

الحرب التي شنها صدام ضد إيران كانت بالتأكيد بمباركة أمريكية غربية لاحتواء النظام الجمهوري الإسلامي في إيران ; ونفاق أمريكا ضهر لصدام الأحمق عندما علم أن أمريكا كانت تسلحه وتسلح إيران في نفس الوقت بنفس السلاح لتضمن أن أحدا من الطرفين لن ينتصر على الأخر وبالتالي استمرار الحرب بين الدولتين إلى ما لانهاية , وهدا لا يمكنك نكرانه لأن الكثير من الوثائق تثبت دلك وتحدثت عن سياسة الإحتواء المزدوج
قديم 08-12-2006, 02:03 PM
marwa45 marwa45 غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Jun 2006
المشاركات: 160


Saddam key in early CIA plot

by Richard Sale, United Press Int'l

April 10, 2003

U.S. forces in Baghdad might now be searching high and low for Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, but in the past Saddam was seen by U.S. intelligence services as a bulwark of anti-communism and they used him as their instrument for more than 40 years, according to former U.S. intelligence diplomats and intelligence officials.

United Press International has interviewed almost a dozen former U.S. diplomats, British scholars and former U.S. intelligence officials to piece together the following account. The CIA declined to comment on the report.

While many have thought that Saddam first became involved with U.S. intelligence agencies at the start of the September 1980 Iran-Iraq war, his first contacts with U.S. officials date back to 1959, when he was part of a CIA-authorized six-man squad tasked with assassinating then Iraqi Prime Minister Gen. Abd al-Karim Qasim.

In July 1958, Qasim had overthrown the Iraqi monarchy in what one former U.S. diplomat, who asked not to be identified, described as "a horrible orgy of bloodshed."

According to current and former U.S. officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, Iraq was then regarded as a key buffer and strategic asset in the Cold War with the Soviet Union. For example, in the mid-1950s, Iraq was quick to join the anti-Soviet Baghdad Pact which was to defend the region and whose members included Turkey, Britain, Iran and Pakistan.

Little attention was paid to Qasim's bloody and conspiratorial regime until his sudden decision to withdraw from the pact in 1959, an act that "freaked everybody out" according to a former senior U.S. State Department official.

Washington watched in marked dismay as Qasim began to buy arms from the Soviet Union and put his own domestic communists into ministry positions of "real power," according to this official. The domestic instability of the country prompted CIA Director Allan Dulles to say publicly that Iraq was "the most dangerous spot in the world."

In the mid-1980s, Miles Copeland, a veteran CIA operative, told UPI the CIA had enjoyed "close ties" with Qasim's ruling Baath Party, just as it had close connections with the intelligence service of Egyptian leader Gamel Abd Nassar. In a recent public statement, Roger Morris, a former National Security Council staffer in the 1970s, confirmed this claim, saying that the CIA had chosen the authoritarian and anti-communist Baath Party "as its instrument."

According to another former senior State Department official, Saddam, while only in his early 20s, became a part of a U.S. plot to get rid of Qasim. According to this source, Saddam was installed in an apartment in Baghdad on al-Rashid Street directly opposite Qasim's office in Iraq's Ministry of Defense, to observe Qasim's movements.

Adel Darwish, Middle East expert and author of "Unholy Babylon," said the move was done "with full knowledge of the CIA," and that Saddam's CIA handler was an Iraqi dentist working for CIA and Egyptian intelligence. U.S. officials separately confirmed Darwish's account.

Darwish said that Saddam's paymaster was Capt. Abdel Maquid Farid, the assistant military attaché at the Egyptian Embassy who paid for the apartment from his own personal account. Three former senior U.S. officials have confirmed that this is accurate.

The assassination was set for Oct. 7, 1959, but it was completely botched. Accounts differ. One former CIA official said that the 22-year-old Saddam lost his nerve and began firing too soon, killing Qasim's driver and only wounding Qasim in the shoulder and arm. Darwish told UPI that one of the assassins had bullets that did not fit his gun and that another had a hand grenade that got stuck in the lining of his coat.

"It bordered on farce," a former senior U.S. intelligence official said. But Qasim, hiding on the floor of his car, escaped death, and Saddam, whose calf had been grazed by a fellow would-be assassin, escaped to Tikrit, thanks to CIA and Egyptian intelligence agents, several U.S. government officials said.

Saddam then crossed into Syria and was transferred by Egyptian intelligence agents to Beirut, according to Darwish and former senior CIA officials. While Saddam was in Beirut, the CIA paid for Saddam's apartment and put him through a brief training course, former CIA officials said. The agency then helped him get to Cairo, they said.

One former U.S. government official, who knew Saddam at the time, said that even then Saddam "was known as having no class. He was a thug -- a cutthroat."

In Cairo, Saddam was installed in an apartment in the upper class neighborhood of Dukki and spent his time playing dominos in the Indiana Café, watched over by CIA and Egyptian intelligence operatives, according to Darwish and former U.S. intelligence officials.

One former senior U.S. government official said: "In Cairo, I often went to Groppie Café at Emad Eldine Pasha Street, which was very posh, very upper class. Saddam would not have fit in there. The Indiana was your basic dive."

But during this time Saddam was making frequent visits to the American Embassy where CIA specialists such as Miles Copeland and CIA station chief Jim Eichelberger were in residence and knew Saddam, former U.S. intelligence officials said.

Saddam's U.S. handlers even pushed Saddam to get his Egyptian handlers to raise his monthly allowance, a gesture not appreciated by Egyptian officials since they knew of Saddam's American connection, according to Darwish. His assertion was confirmed by former U.S. diplomat in Egypt at the time.

In February 1963 Qasim was killed in a Baath Party coup. Morris claimed recently that the CIA was behind the coup, which was sanctioned by President John F. Kennedy, but a former very senior CIA official strongly denied this.

"We were absolutely stunned. We had guys running around asking what the hell had happened," this official said.

But the agency quickly moved into action. Noting that the Baath Party was hunting down Iraq's communist, the CIA provided the submachine gun-toting Iraqi National Guardsmen with lists of suspected communists who were then jailed, interrogated, and summarily gunned down, according to former U.S. intelligence officials with intimate knowledge of the executions.

Many suspected communists were killed outright, these sources said. Darwish told UPI that the mass killings, presided over by Saddam, took place at Qasr al-Nehayat, literally, the Palace of the End.

A former senior U.S. State Department official told UPI: "We were frankly glad to be rid of them. You ask that they get a fair trial? You have to get kidding. This was serious business."

A former senior CIA official said: "It was a bit like the mysterious killings of Iran's communists just after Ayatollah Khomeini came to power in 1979. All 4,000 of his communists suddenly got killed."

British scholar Con Coughlin, author of "Saddam: King of Terror," quotes Jim Critchfield, then a senior Middle East agency official, as saying the killing of Qasim and the communists was regarded "as a great victory." A former long-time covert U.S. intelligence operative and friend of Critchfield said: "Jim was an old Middle East hand. He wasn't sorry to see the communists go at all. Hey, we were playing for keeps."

Saddam, in the meantime, became head of al-Jihaz a-Khas, the secret intelligence apparatus of the Baath Party.

The CIA/Defense Intelligence Agency relation with Saddam intensified after the start of the Iran-Iraq war in September of 1980. During the war, the CIA regularly sent a team to Saddam to deliver battlefield intelligence obtained from Saudi AWACS surveillance aircraft to aid the effectiveness of Iraq's armed forces, according to a former DIA official, part of a U.S. interagency intelligence group.

This former official said that he personally had signed off on a document that shared U.S. satellite intelligence with both Iraq and Iran in an attempt to produce a military stalemate. "When I signed it, I thought I was losing my mind," the former official told UPI.

A former CIA official said that Saddam had assigned a top team of three senior officers from the Estikhbarat, Iraq's military intelligence, to meet with the Americans.

According to Darwish, the CIA and DIA provided military assistance to Saddam's ferocious February 1988 assault on Iranian positions in the al-Fao peninsula by blinding Iranian radars for three days.

The Saddam-U.S. intelligence alliance of convenience came to an end at 2 a.m. Aug. 2, 1990, when 100,000 Iraqi troops, backed by 300 tanks, invaded its neighbor, Kuwait. America's one-time ally had become its bitterest enemy.

Published by
United Press Int'l
قديم 08-12-2006, 02:04 PM
marwa45 marwa45 غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Jun 2006
المشاركات: 160


Saddam can never be allowed a fair trial

by Eric S. Margolis, Toronto Sun

July 31, 2003

If put on public trial, Saddam Hussein would have a field day revealing the embarrassing alliance between his brutal regime and Washington:
• CIA's role in bringing the Ba'ath Party to power in a 1958 coup, opening the way for Saddam to take control.

• US, Israeli, Iranian destabilization of Iraq during the 1970's by fueling Kurdish rebellion. Washington's egging on the aggressive Shah of Iran in the Shatt al-Arab waterway dispute, a primary cause of the Iran-Iraq War.

• US secretly urging Iraq to invade Iran in 1980 to overthrow that nation's revolutionary Islamic government.

• Covert supply of Saddam's war machine by the US and Britain during the eight-year Iran-Iraq conflict: biological warfare programs and germ feeder stocks, poison gas manufacturing plants and raw materials. Billions in aid, routed through the US Department of Agriculture, Italy's Banco del Lavoro, and the shady bank, BCCI. Heavy artillery, munitions, spare parts, trucks, field hospitals, and electronics.

Equally important, the US Defense Intelligence Agency and CIA operated offices in Baghdad that provided Iraq with satellite intelligence data on Iranian troop deployments that provided decisive in the war's titanic battles at Basra, Majnoon, and Faw.

• The murky role played by Washington just before Iraq's 1990 invasion of Kuwait. The US Ambassador told Saddam `the US takes no position in Arab border disputes.' Was this a trap to lure Saddam to invade Kuwait, then crush his army, or simple diplomatic bungling? Saddam could supply the awkward answers.

In short, Saddam was one of America's closet Mideast allies during the 1980's, a major recipient of US military and financial aid. Saddam's killing of large numbers of Kurds and Shia rebels occurred while he was a key US ally. Washington remained mute at the time. When Bush I called on Kurds and Shia to revolt in 1991, the US watched impassively as Saddam slaughtered the poorly-armed rebels.

Better a bullet-riddled Saddam, or one executed by a military kangaroo court in Guantanamo, or hanged by the new, American- installed `Vichy' Iraqi regime in Baghdad.

Saddam should be handed over by the US to the UN War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague that is currently trying Serbia's Slobodan Milosevic and other accused Balkan war criminals. After all, it was Washington that engineered Milosevic's delivery to the Hague, an act for which the US deserves high praise. What applies to Milosevic applies equally to Saddam Hussein.

In fact, it would be better for the Iraqi leader to stand trial at the newly constituted International War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague. But the Bush Administration, in one of its most shameful acts, has refused to join this tribunal or cooperate with it.

Published by
Toronto Sun


Rumsfeld backed Saddam even after chemical attacks

by Andrew Buncombe, The Independent [London, UK]

Dec. 24, 2003

Fresh controversy about Donald Rumsfeld's personal dealings with Saddam Hussein was provoked yesterday by new documents that reveal he went to Iraq to show America's support for the regime despite its use of chemical weapons.

The formerly secret documents reveal the Defence Secretary travelled to Baghdad 20 years ago to assure Iraq that America's condemnation of its use of chemical weapons was made "strictly" in principle.

The criticism in no way changed Washington's wish to support Iraq in its war against Iran and "to improve bi-lateral relations ... at a pace of Iraq's choosing".

Earlier this year, Mr Rumsfeld and other members of the Bush administration regularly cited Saddam's willingness to use chemical weapons against his own people as evidence of the threat presented to the rest of the world.

Senior officials presented the attacks against the Kurds — particularly the notorious attack in Halabja in 1988 — as a justification for the invasion and the ousting of Saddam.

But the newly declassified documents reveal that 20 years ago America's position was different and that the administration of President Ronald Reagan was concerned about maintaining good relations with Iraq despite evidence of Saddam's "almost daily" use of chemical weapons against Iranian troops and Kurdish rebels.

In March 1984, under international pressure, America condemned Iraq's use of such chemical weapons. But realising that Baghdad had been upset, Secretary of State George Schultz asked Mr Rumsfeld to travel to Iraq as a special envoy to meet Saddam's Foreign Minister, Tariq Aziz, and smooth matters over.

In a briefing memo to Mr Rumsfeld, Mr Shultz wrote that he had met Iraqi officials in Washington to stress that America's interests remained "in (1) preventing an Iranian victory and (2) continuing to improve bilateral relations with Iraq".

The memo adds: "This message bears reinforcing during your discussions."

Exactly what Mr Rumsfeld, who at the time did not hold government office, told Mr Aziz on 26 March 1984, remains unclear and minutes from the meeting remain classified. No one from Mr Rumsfeld's office was available to comment yesterday.

It was not Mr Rumsfeld's first visit to Iraq. Four months earlier, in December 1983, he had visited Saddam and was photographed shaking hands with the dictator. When news of this visit was revealed last year, Mr Rumsfeld claimed he had "cautioned" Saddam to stop using chemical weapons.

When documents about the meeting disclosed he had said no such thing, a spokesman for Mr Rumsfeld said he had raised the issue with Mr Aziz.

America's relationship with Iraq at a time when Saddam was using chemical weapons is well-documented but rarely reported.

During the war with Iran, America provided combat assistance to Iraq that included intelligence on Iranian deployments and bomb-damage assessments. In 1987-88 American warships destroyed Iranian oil platforms in the Gulf and broke the blockade of Iraqi shipping lanes.

Tom Blanton, the director of the National Security Archive, a non-profit group that obtained the documents, told The New York Times: "Saddam had chemical weapons in the 1980s and it didn't make any difference to US policy. The embrace of Saddam and what it emboldened him to do should caution us as Americans that we have to look closely at all our murky alliances."

Last night, Danny Muller, a spokesman for the anti-war group Voices in the Wilderness, said the documents revealed America's "blatant hypocrisy". He added: "This is not an isolated event. Continuing administrations have said 'we will do business'. I am surprised that Donald Rumsfeld does not resign right now

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حوار الخيمة العربية 2005 م