مجلة الخيمة حوار الخيمة دليل المواقع نخبة المواقع Muslim Tents
التسكين المجاني التسكين المدفوع سجلات الزوار بطاقات الخيمة للإعلان في الخيمة
الأسئلة الشائعة قائمة الأعضاء التقويم البحث مواضيع اليوم جعل جميع المنتديات مقروءة

العودة   أرشــــــيـــف حوار الخيمة العربية > القسم العام > الخيمة السياسية
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كلمة المرور

خيارات الموضوع بحث في هذا الموضوع طريقة العرض
قديم 17-04-2006, 06:13 PM
لظاهر بيبرس لظاهر بيبرس غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Apr 2006
المشاركات: 285
إفتراضي نص اتفاقية :(Sykes-Picot ) ( سايكس ـ بيكو ) 16/5/1916

عصر الفتوحات الذهبية للخلافة الاسلامية من الصين الى الاندلس ايام بني امية

الخلافة العثمانية في اقصى اتساعها

تمزيق المسلمين الى 57 دويلة في القرن العشرين بعد القضاء على الخلافة في اسلامبول في 3/3/1924 على يد يهودي الدونمة اتاتورك

وهي مرشحة في ظل الحملة الصهيوـ صليبية الثانية عشر هذه لمزيد من التقسيم والتفتيت الى اشلاء اصغر .

تمزيق المنطقة بين يدي الذئاب في الحملة الصليبية العاشرة / حملة اللنبي ـ غورو

اتفاقية سايكس ـ بيكو التي وقعها سرا في 16/5/1916 وزيري خارجية فرنسا Georges-Picot وبريطانية Mark Sykes

وزير الخارجية البريطانية مارك سايكس


نص الاتفاقية :

المادة الاولى : ان فرنسا وبريطانية العظمى مستعدتان أن تعترفا وتحميا دولة عربية مستقلة أو حلف دولة عربية تحت رئاسة رئيس عربي في المنطقتين ( أ ) (داخلية سورية ) و (ب) (داخلية عراقية ) المبينتين في الخريطة الملحقة بهذا ويكون لفرنسا في المنطقة (أ) ولانكلترا في منطقة (ب ) حق الاولوية في المشروعات والقروض المحلية . وتنفرد فرنسا في المنطقة ( أ ) وانجلترا في منطقة ( ب ) بتقديم المستشارين والموظفين الاجانب بناء على طلب الحكومة العربية أو حلف الحكومات العربية .

المادة الثانية : يباح لفرنسا في المنطقة الزرقاء (شقة سوريا الداخلية ) ولانجلترا في المنطقة الحمراء ( شقة العراق الساحلية من بغداد حتى خليج فارس (كذا في المعاهدة ) انشاء ما ترغبان فيه من شكل الحكم مباشرة أو بالواسطة أو من المراقبة بعد الاتفاق مع الحكومة أو حلف الحكومات العربية .

المادة الثالثة : تنشا ادارة دولية في المنطقة المسماة (فلسطين ) يعين شكلها بعد استشارة روسيا وبالاتفاق مع بقية الحلفاء وممثلي شريف مكة .

المادة الرابعة : تنال انجلترا مايأتي :

1_ ميناء حيفا وعكا .

2_ يضمن مقدار محدود من ماء دجلة والفرات في المنطقة (ا ) للمنطقة (ب) وتتعهد حكومة جلالة الملك من جهتها بان لاتدخل في مفاوضات مع دولة اخرى للتنازل عن قبرص الا بعد موافقة الحكومة الفرنسية مقدما .

المادة الخامسة : تكون اسكندرونة ميناء حرا لتجارة الامبراطورية البريطانية ولا تنشا معاملات مختلفة في رسوم الميناء ولا ترفض تسهيلات خاصة للملاحة والبضائع البريطانية و تباح حرية النقل للبضائع الانجليزية عن طريق اسكندرونة وسكة الحديد في المنطقة الزرقاء سواء كانت واردة من المنطقة الحمراء او الى المنطقتين ( أ ) و ( ب ) أو صادرة منهما , ولا تنشا معاملات مختلفة مباشرة او غير مباشرة على اي سكة من سكك الحديد او في اي ميناء من موانئ المناطق المذكورة تمس البضائع والبواخر البريطانية .).

وتكون مياء حيفا ميناء حرا لتجارة فرنسا ومستعمراتها والبلاد الواقعة تحت حمايتها ولايقع اختلاف في المعاملات ولايرفض اعطاء تسهيلات للملاحة والبضائع الفرنسوية ويكون نقل والبضائع الفرنسوية حرا بطريق حيفا وعلى سكة الحديد الانجليزية في المنطقة السمراء سواء كانت البضائع صادرة من المنطقة الزرقاء او الحمراء او المنطقة ( أ ) او المنطقة ( ب ) او واردة اليها ولا يجري ادني اختلاف في المعاملة بالذات او بالتبع يمس البضائع او البواحر الفرنسوية يمس اي سكة من سكك الحديد ولا في اي ميناء من المواني في المناطق المذكورة .

المادة السادسة : لا تمد سكة حديد بغداد الى المنطقة ( أ ) الى ما بعد الموصل جنوبا ولا في المنطقة ( ب ) الى بعد سامراء شمالا الى ان يتم انشاء خط حديدي يصل بغداد بحلب مارا بوادي الفرات ويكون ذلك بمساعدة الحكومتين .

المادة السابعة : يحق لبريطانية العظمى ان تنشا وتدير وتكون المالكة الوحيدة لخط حديدي يصل حيفا بالمنطقة ( ب ) ويكون لها ما عدا ذلك حق دائم بنقل الجنود في اي وقت كان على طول هذا الخط ويجب ان يكون معلوما لدى الجكومتين , ان هذا الخط يجب ان يسهل اتصال حيفا ببغداد و وانه اذا حالت دون انشاء خط الاتصال في المنطقة السمراء مصاعب فنية ونفقات وافرة لادارته تجعل انشاؤه متعذرا فالحكومة الفرنسوية تكون مستعدة ان تسمح بمروره عن طريق بربورة _ ام قيس _ ملقى _ ايدار _ غسطا _ مقابر , قبل ان يصل للمنطقة ( ب ) .

المادة الثامنة : تبقى تعريفة الجمارك التركية نافذة عشرين سنة في جميع جهات المنطقتين الزرقاء والحمراء والمنطقة (أ ) و ( ب ) فلا تضاف اي علاوة على الرسوم ولا تبدل قاعدة التامين في الرسوم بقاعدة اخذ العين الا ان يكون باتفاق بين الحكومتين .
ولا تنشا جمارك داخلية بين اية منطقة واخرى من المناطق المذكورة اعلاه وما يفرض من رسوم الجمرك على البضائع المرسلة الى الداخل يدفع في الميناء ويعطى لادارة المنطقة المرسلة اليها البضائع .

المادة التاسعة : من المتفق عليه ان الحكومة الفرنسية لاتجري مفاوضة في اي وقت كان للتنازل عن حقوقها ولا تعطي مالها من الحقوق في المنطقة الزرقاء لدولة اخرى الا للدولة او حلف الدول العربية بدون ان توافق على ذلك سلفا حكومة جلالة الملك التي تتعهد للحكومة الفرنسوية بمثل هذا فيما يتعلق بالمنطقة الحمراء .

المادة العاشرة : تتفق الحكومتان الانجليزية والفرنسوية بصفتهما حاميتين للدولة العربية , على ان لاتمتلكا ولا تسمحا لدولة ثالثة ان تمتلك اقطارا في شبه جزيرة العرب أو تنشئ قاعدة بحرية في الجزائر الواقعة على الساحل الشرقي للبحر الاحمر على ان هذا لايمنع تصحيحا في حدود عدن قد يصبح ضروريا في عداء الترك الاخير .

المادة الحادية عشرة : تستمر المفاوضات مع العرب باسم الحكومتين بالطرق السابقة نفسها لتعيين حدود الدولة او حلف الدول العربية .

المادة الثانية عشرة : من المتفق عليه عدا ما ذكر ان تنظر الحكومتان في الوسائل اللازمة لمراقبة جلب السلاح الى البلاد العربية .


وردت في الصفحة 434 من سفر الاستاذ موفق بني المرجة : صحوة الرجل المريض

قديم 17-04-2006, 06:16 PM
لظاهر بيبرس لظاهر بيبرس غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Apr 2006
المشاركات: 285

النص بالانجليزية :

Sykes-Picot Agreement - The text
Sir Edward Grey to Paul Cambon, 16 May 1916

I have the honour to acknowledge the receipt of your Excellency's note of the 9th instant, stating that the French Government accept the limits of a future Arab State, or Confederation of States, and of those parts of Syria where French interests predominate, together with certain conditions attached thereto, such as they result from recent discussions in London and Petrograd on the subject.

I have the honour to inform your Excellency in reply that the acceptance of the whole project, as it now stands, will involve the abdication of considerable British interests, but, since His Majesty's Government recognise the advantage to the general cause of the Allies entailed in producing a more favourable internal political situation in Turkey, they are ready to accept the arrangement now arrived at, provided that the co-operation of the Arabs is secured, and that the Arabs fulfil the conditions and obtain the towns of Homs, Hama, Damascus, and Aleppo.

It is accordingly understood between the French and British Governments---

1. That France and Great Britain are prepared to recognize and protect an independent Arab State or a Confederation of Arab States in the areas (A) and (B) marked on the annexed map, under the suzerainty of an Arab chief. That in area (A) France, and in area (B) Great Britain, shall have priority of right of enterprise and local loans. That in area (A) France, and in area (B) Great Britain, shall alone supply advisers or foreign functionaries at the request of the Arab State or Confederation of Arab States.

2. That in the blue area France, and in the red area Great Britain, shall be allowed to establish such direct or indirect administration or control as they desire and as they may think fit to arrange with the Arab State or Confederation of Arab States. 3. That in the brown area there shall be established an international administration, the form of which is to be decided upon after consultation with Russia, and subsequently in consultation with the other Allies, and the representatives of the Shereef of Mecca.

4. That Great Britain be accorded (1) the ports of Haifa and Acre, (2) guarantee of a given supply of water from the Tigris and Euphrates in area (A) for area (B). His Majesty's Government, on their part, undertake that they will at no time enter into negotiations for the cession of Cyprus to any third Power without the previous consent of the French Government.

5. That Alexandretta shall be a free port as regards the trade of the British Empire, and that there shall be no discrimination in port charges or facilities as regards British shipping and British goods; that there shall be freedom of transit for British goods through Alexandretta and by railway through the blue area, whether those goods are intended for or originate in the red area, or (B) area, or area (A); and there shall be no discrimination, direct or indirect against British goods on any railway or against British goods or ships at any port serving the areas mentioned.

That Haifa shall be a free port as regards the trade of France, her dominions and protectorates, and there shall be no discrimination in port charges or facilities as regards French shipping and French goods. There shall be freedom of transit for French goods through Haifa and by the British railway through the brown area, whether those goods are intended for or originate in the blue area, area (A), or area (B), and there shall be no discrimination, direct or indirect, against French goods on any railway, or against French goods or ships at any port serving the areas mentioned.

6. That in area (A) the Baghdad Railway shall not be extended southwards beyond Mosul, and in area (B) northwards beyond Samarra, until a railway connecting Baghdad with Aleppo via the Euphrates Valley has been completed, and then only with the concurrence of the two Governments.

7. That Great Britain has the right to build, administer, and be sole owner of a railway connecting Haifa with area (B), and shall have a perpetual right to transport troops along such a line at all times.

It is to be understood by both Governments that this railway is to facilitate the connexion of Baghdad with Haifa by rail, and it is further understood that, if the engineering difficulties and expense entailed by keeping this connecting line in the brown area only make the project unfeasible, that the French Government shall be prepared to consider that the line in question may also traverse the polygon Banias-Keis Marib-Salkhab Tell Otsda-Mesmie before reaching area (B).

8. For a period of twenty years the existing Turkish customs tariff shall remain in force throughout the whole of the blue and red areas, as well as in areas (A) and (B), and no increase in the rates of duty or conversion from ad valorem to specific rates shall be made except by agreement between the two Powers.

There shall be no interior customs barriers between any of the above-mentioned areas. The customs duties leviable on goods destined for the interior shall be collected at the port of entry and handed over to the administration of the area of destination.

9. It shall be agreed that the French Government will at no time enter into any negotiations for the cession of their rights and will not cede such rights in the blue area to any third Power, except the Arab State or Confederation of Arab States without the previous agreement of His Majesty's Government, who, on their part, will give a similar undertaking to the French Government regarding the red area.

10. The British and French Governments, as the protectors of the Arab State, shall agree that they will not themselves acquire and will not consent to a third Power acquiring territorial possessions in the Arabian peninsula, nor consent to a third Power installing a naval base either on the east coast, or on the islands, of the Red Sea. This, however, shall not prevent such adjustment of the Aden frontier as may be necessary in consequence of recent Turkish aggression.

11. The negotiations with the Arabs as to the boundaries of the Arab State or Confederation of Arab States shall be continued through the same channel as heretofore on behalf of the two Powers.

12. It is agreed that measures to control the importation of arms into the Arab territories will be considered by the two Governments.

I have further the honour to state that, in order to make the agreement complete, His Majesty's Government are proposing to the Russian Government to exchange notes analogous to those exchanged by the latter and your Excellency's Government on the 26th April last. Copies of these notes will be communicated to your Excellency as soon as exchanged.

I would also venture to remind your Excellency that the conclusion of the present agreement raises, for practical consideration, the question of the claims of Italy to a share in any partition or rearrangement of Turkey in Asia, as formulated in article 9 of the agreement of the 26th April, 1915, between Italy and the Allies.

His Majesty's Government further consider that the Japanese Government should be informed of the arrangement now concluded.

قديم 17-04-2006, 06:18 PM
لظاهر بيبرس لظاهر بيبرس غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Apr 2006
المشاركات: 285

It is accordingly understood between the french and British governments:

That France and great Britain are prepared to recognize and protect an independent Arab states or a confederation of Arab states (a) and (b) marked on the annexed map, under the suzerainty of an Arab chief. That in area (a) France, and in area (b) great Britain, shall have priority of right of enterprise and local loans. That in area (a) France, and in area (b) great Britain, shall alone supply advisers or foreign functionaries at the request of the Arab state or confederation of Arab states.

That in the blue area France, and in the red area great Britain, shall be allowed to establish such direct or indirect administration or control as they desire and as they may think fit to arrange with the Arab state or confederation of Arab states.

That in the brown area there shall be established an international administration, the form of which is to be decided upon after consultation with Russia, and subsequently in consultation with the other allies, and the representatives of the sheriff of mecca.

That great Britain be accorded (1) the ports of Haifa and acre, (2) guarantee of a given supply of water from the tigres and euphrates in area (a) for area (b). His majesty's government, on their part, undertake that they will at no time enter into negotiations for the cession of Cyprus to any third power without the previous consent of the french government.

That Alexandretta shall be a free port as regards the trade of the British empire, and that there shall be no discrimination in port charges or facilities as regards British shipping and British goods; that there shall be freedom of transit for British goods through Alexandretta and by railway through the blue area, or (b) area, or area (a); and there shall be no discrimination, direct or indirect, against British goods on any railway or against British goods or ships at any port serving the areas mentioned.

That Haifa shall be a free port as regards the trade of France, her dominions and protectorates, and there shall be no discrimination in port charges or facilities as regards french shipping and french goods. There shall be freedom of transit for french goods through Haifa and by the British railway through the brown area, whether those goods are intended for or originate in the blue area, area (a), or area (b), and there shall be no discrimination, direct or indirect, against french goods on any railway, or against french goods or ships at any port serving the areas mentioned.

That in area (a) the Baghdad railway shall not be extended southwards beyond Mosul, and in area (b) northwards beyond Samarra, until a railway connecting Baghdad and aleppo via the euphrates valley has been completed, and then only with the concurrence of the two governments.

That great Britain has the right to build, administer, and be sole owner of a railway connecting Haifa with area (b), and shall have a perpetual right to transport troops along such a line at all times. It is to be understood by both governments that this railway is to facilitate the connection of Baghdad with Haifa by rail, and it is further understood that, if the engineering difficulties and expense entailed by keeping this connecting line in the brown area only make the project unfeasible, that the french government shall be prepared to consider that the line in question may also traverse the Polgon Banias Keis Marib Salkhad tell Otsda Mesmie before reaching area (b).

For a period of twenty years the existing Turkish customs tariff shall remain in force throughout the whole of the blue and red areas, as well as in areas (a) and (b), and no increase in the rates of duty or conversions from ad valorem to specific rates shall be made except by agreement between the two powers.

There shall be no interior customs barriers between any of the above mentioned areas. The customs duties leviable on goods destined for the interior shall be collected at the port of entry and handed over to the administration of the area of destination.

It shall be agreed that the french government will at no time enter into any negotiations for the cession of their rights and will not cede such rights in the blue area to any third power, except the Arab state or confederation of Arab states, without the previous agreement of his majesty's government, who, on their part, will give a similar undertaking to the french government regarding the red area.

The British and french government, as the protectors of the Arab state, shall agree that they will not themselves acquire and will not consent to a third power acquiring territorial possessions in the Arabian peninsula, nor consent to a third power installing a naval base either on the east coast, or on the islands, of the red sea. This, however, shall not prevent such adjustment of the Aden frontier as may be necessary in consequence of recent Turkish aggression.

The negotiations with the Arabs as to the boundaries of the Arab states shall be continued through the same channel as heretofore on behalf of the two powers.

It is agreed that measures to control the importation of arms into the Arab territories will be considered by the two governments.

I have further the honor to state that, in order to make the agreement complete, his majesty's government are proposing to the Russian government to exchange notes analogous to those exchanged by the latter and your excellency's government on the 26th April last. Copies of these notes will be communicated to your excellency as soon as exchanged.I would also venture to remind your excellency that the conclusion of the present agreement raises, for practical consideration, the question of claims of Italy to a share in any partition or rearrangement of turkey in Asia, as formulated in article 9 of the agreement of the 26th April, 1915, between Italy and the allies.

His majesty's government further consider that the Japanese government
should be informed of the arrangements now concluded.



يتبع ان شاء الله .... في قراءة جديدة مفصلة لها ومقارنة ب سايكس بيكو 2 بوش / شيراك ـ بلير التي يجري الان في الخفاء تنفيذ خطواتها العملية بين الحلفاء (امريكا ) و( بريطانية / فرنسا / وبني يهوذا ) و اذنابهم النواطير الخونة العملاء في المنطقة من جديد

آخر تعديل بواسطة لظاهر بيبرس ، 17-04-2006 الساعة 06:30 PM.
قديم 18-04-2006, 12:23 AM
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