fair well my friend
To me you did not die
you just went before me
to wait me there till my day will come
Alah is so great how much memories you left me to remember you
I will never forget your smile back at me
your kindness and your genorocity.
May alah let you rest in his heaven above,
on everything you did for me.
Tommorrow in my diary i should write
so glad i had friend
in the next page i shell conclude,
lost without you already.
Fairwell...... T
الله لا يسامحك بجاه هاذا الشهر الفضيل
الحقد مالي قلبك ما عدت تميز بين الطاهرة والعاهرة
آخر تعديل بواسطة اوراق الثريا ، 22-09-2007 الساعة 02:06 PM.