مجلة الخيمة حوار الخيمة دليل المواقع نخبة المواقع Muslim Tents
التسكين المجاني التسكين المدفوع سجلات الزوار بطاقات الخيمة للإعلان في الخيمة
الأسئلة الشائعة قائمة الأعضاء التقويم البحث مواضيع اليوم جعل جميع المنتديات مقروءة

العودة   أرشــــــيـــف حوار الخيمة العربية > القسم العام > الخيمة المفتوحة
اسم المستخدم
كلمة المرور

خيارات الموضوع بحث في هذا الموضوع طريقة العرض
قديم 15-11-2000, 12:03 PM
...etc ...etc غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Aug 2000
المشاركات: 1,013

قديم 15-11-2000, 02:45 PM
Noor Noor غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Sep 2000
المشاركات: 60

Greetings to you all
Brother Omar I finished the translation, I just need sometime to type it and post it. Insha'allaah it will be on the next few hours. Sorry for any delay..
Thank you lynx that is of your kindness..

I appreciate your support ..
قديم 15-11-2000, 04:20 PM
عمر الشادي عمر الشادي غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Aug 2000
المشاركات: 4,476

السيد لينكس تؤبرني صرت عم احكي ميلك ولا يهمك يا خيِّ ان شاء الله اليوم منعمل عملية ارشفة لشغلنا

etc شكرا لانك دخلت موضوعنا وهذا يظهر تأثرك بالموضوع فكأنك تقولين etc مرت من هنا فاهلا بها بيننا دائما

noor العزيزة نحن بانتظارك

-------------------------- الشادي

قديم 15-11-2000, 05:20 PM
Noor Noor غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Sep 2000
المشاركات: 60

Here goes the translation of Omar's text
Please feel free to comment and criticize

To the public mass of America:
(Call#1 (Mohammed Rami Al-durra
We generally agree that the killing of one child is considered a crime. What about a whole nation in Palestine being slaughtered?? and only met with the world’s ignorance!?
Also, here comes the mass media allied with Israel to broadcast biased news.
YES!! Most of the news you hear, watch and even talk about is being fabricated. You are only allowed to perceive what they throw at you.

Take now one of the endless series of Israel’s deadly crimes:

Mohammed –only a child- decided to catch up with his father leaving home. Perhaps, his mother tried to stop him from leaving. However, this young child’s determination and dignity was strong enough to let him break loose of his mother’s grip, and leave.

He left wanting to breathe fresh air into his lungs but he only filled them with the Israeli’s artillery smoke. He left wanting, as a child, to experience life and what it is about but instead, he was met with Israel's hatred bullets—shattering his innocence and resting in his delicate body.

He left his mother’s embrace to wander in his country freely and discover its beauty but.. he only went as far as his grave. The grave that was dug for him by the beastly hands of Israel.

Mohammed’s mother was waiting for him at the door impatiently, wondering what took him so long. Eventually, Mohammed came back home but carried on shoulders in a coffin…

Mohammed and his father were just walking back home, peacefully, not involved in any confrontations. Suddenly! A sniper sneaks behind the walls, aims at Mohammed and shoots! Mohammed was murdered between his father’s arms. The father survived eight bullets, he recieved in his body but he got to watch his son fall dead in his lap…

The screams for help of that child, who was barely 12 years old, and his father’s screams and efforts to protect him were met with nothing more than the world’s ignorance!

Who has an explanation for this? Why has the world chosen to ignore this crime? Is it simply because he is an Arab and a Muslim? Would the world, would the human conscious, and would the human dignity have cared more if he were a Jewish boy instead?

Not only Mohammed was killed in this way but also hundreds of children were shot and slaughtered by the cold-blooded Israeli military.

However, those children have died addressing a message to the whole world and calling the east and the west to hear their cry!!

Yes it is the claimed peace of Israel and the democracy of Israeli troops, the occupying dragon force and the destructive civilization. The bloody state that did not spare one day not killing Palestinian children. This state that failed to make the distinction between a weak, innocent child and an armed man!

Is this a fair war? Is it justifiable for the claimed state of Israel to build on the bloodshed of the children and the wiping out of a whole nation??

Are you still going to believe the Jewish Zionists faking the truth? How many more children will have to be killed like Mohammed Aldurra? Until when are you going to keep silent? Are you aware that your silence is in fact supporting the crime- the Isreali cime?

You were with the call of truth, the call of justice and the call of humanity. Is there in you who will answer the call??

قديم 15-11-2000, 06:19 PM
الشيخ أبو الأطفال الشيخ أبو الأطفال غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Apr 1998
الإقامة: من بلاد الرجال الاحرار-الجزائر- رغم الداء و الاعداء
المشاركات: 3,900

السلام عليكم.
بارك الله فيكم ايها الأحبة ...الشيخ واطفاله معكم ...انها البداية وطبعا اصعب الأمور بداياتها ...وان شاء الله مع الوقت تتضح وتتسع الأمور ... وللحديث بقية ان شاء الله
قديم 15-11-2000, 07:46 PM
lynx lynx غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Sep 2000
المشاركات: 787

Dear Noor:
your translate is so magnificent
but I have a few points on it .
First in the row number 61 its crimes not a cimes i think u write it twice ,and dear lets make the word more powerful and effective by puting some expressionism words .
and i have a few remarks i write it in the night if GOD will .
but after all thank you to be with us .
your sincerely
افندية وخانمات :
السيد عمر أفندي
السيد الشيخ أبو الابطال أفندي
السيد جمال حمدان أفندي
السيد حرق أفندي
السيد ناقد أفندي
جودي خانم

طبعا اردت أن أكتب هذه الكلمات بالعربية لأنو في البعض مننا لغته الثانية فرنسي يعني ممكن ما يفهم الانكليزي عل كل حال .
ترجمة نور خانم رائعة و أعتقد بخطأ كتابي واحد فقط لا غير ربما من حماستها للموضوع ورغبتها في كتابة الرد بسرعة ...
على أي حال هناك فقط بعض الملاحظات و قد أخبرتها بها اي اننا نريد بعض الكلمات التعبيرية و أن شاء الله سأحاول أن أدونها لها بالليل ..
ولكن المهم أكثر عمر أفندي أرجو منك نقل نصها المترجم الى المكان المخصص له وحتى قبل اجراء التعديلات عليه كي نحس كلنا اننا فعلا قد بدئنا مشوارنا الطويل بخطى واثقة .
ويا لله يا جماعة فرجوني انتو شطارتكم .

قديم 15-11-2000, 08:08 PM
عمر الشادي عمر الشادي غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Aug 2000
المشاركات: 4,476

...عفوا ولكنها الطريقة الوحيدة لارى الردود الان
قديم 16-11-2000, 05:18 PM
الشيخ أبو الأطفال الشيخ أبو الأطفال غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Apr 1998
الإقامة: من بلاد الرجال الاحرار-الجزائر- رغم الداء و الاعداء
المشاركات: 3,900

السلام عليكم.
لدي اقتراح ان سمحتم :
1- وهو نقل الفكرة الى مواقع حوارية اخرى ودعوة الآخرين مشاركتنا....اما في الخيمة او في تلك المواقع ثم توحيد الجهد والخروج بعمل موحد جاهز .... اكيد سنجد من يضيف ويساعد
2- تخصيص جانب لنقل شهادات حية من الذين يعايشون الأحداث
قديم 16-11-2000, 05:52 PM
Noor Noor غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Sep 2000
المشاركات: 60

lynx thanks a lot for commenting on my translation. I am always open for comments and criticism and I do appreciate that. This is like one of the first translations I did and I tried to keep it as close to Omar's text as possible. I could write pages and pages expressing this specific matter but I wanted to keep the translation and the expression within the boundaries of Omar's text.. Please lynx you are a "link" now between me and all the others here in khayma. One of the reasons I don't participate a lot is that it is so hard for me to post messages in arabic and I dislike putting comments in English here in khayma. I respect it and I don't want to appear as an invador to it's environment and arabic discussion--->Please lynx deliver this to them in arabic. Also, I try my best to be around and support as much as possible..
For Omar's great project: I already suggested that if there is more than one translation that can be offered,it would be great. Since I think I am not the greatest in this domain we can view more than one and pick the best for the project..What do you think?
قديم 16-11-2000, 10:59 PM
lynx lynx غير متصل
Registered User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Sep 2000
المشاركات: 787

Dear Noor :
Realy i dont know how to thank u .
Any way we can put or hand together .
U know something like this need a team work and i realy was waiting u just until u finish and then to start onceagain .
and i will tell Omar what u want and i think he agree .
and there one thing pls dont translate it as a text let me see ur feeling ok .
You can put ur comments in english here and i will translate it .. just be ur self
see u soon... i hope .
with my best regard

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